Wednesday 9 January 2013


Chapter VIII of the Laws of Manu states, ‘A Kingdom inhabited above all by Sudras, full of impious men and deprived of Twice-born inhabitants, will totally perish rapidly, attacked by hunger and disease.’

The above quote is from Samuel Aun Weor’s website and he states that the ‘twice-born’ is to do with sexuality, is he correct? No. Jesus told Nicodemus that he must be born of water and of the Spirit otherwise he cannot enter the kingdom of God. Samuel also states that there are no Indians that are twice born, is that true? No. Samuel also connects Scorpio with it due to it being an astrological sign that is to with sexuality. The planet is currently in the ‘Saturn in Scorpio’ transit and it is a time in the spiritual law when inhabitants of this planet perish due to their sexual activity. For instance; 12,000 people in the USA are dying of ‘Hep C’, they have found that one in every three of the baby boomers have it and California doesn’t know how it is going to pay for all of the cases that it has found. The USA is asking for over a million baby boomers to be tested for ‘Hep C’ and I anticipate that there will be a lot more about sexual diseases during this transit. Sexual diseases don’t just impact on one lifetime, sexual diseases shape shift across generations and lifetimes. Homeopathy have done a lot research with transgenerational disease since it began.

However, in this post I am really addressing the Christians. Many Christians know that the Church has not told them the truth because the Church could not teach what it had not experienced or integrated. So why is it that the Christians have not supported the twice-born with communities where they can live like the LORD God asked for? In Isaiah 66 he asks ‘Where is the house that you will build for me?’ and because the true followers of Jesus did not build that house when we received the divine plan for New Jerusalem, humanity is perishing rapidly, attacked by hunger and disease. In addition, there is another biblical plague in Pakistan, 1.5 million animals.

How much hunger and disease are the Christians willing to experience before they will be willing to do the will of the LORD and his Son? How much hunger and disease are the spiritual prepared to endure? Will they truly wait until all of the holy, the twice born are broken?

In my experience and testimony is this: It is only when a person becomes a twice-born that the LORD God asks them to ask humanity to support them from the public purse. Why is that? The bible tells you that those that died with Christ to man’s world,  cannot return to man’s rules. For if they did it would be has if they had never been enlightened in the first place. In my experience after enlightenment comes righteousness and part of my role has been to help more people to get on track so that they can be twice-born has well. It is clear to me that it is only due to the twice-born that humanity can bring heaven to earth. Has it states above; without the twice-born humanity will perish due to hunger and disease and it will happen rapidly.

So why do Christians and the Spiritual not act rapidly when asked to do so? Why do they carry on in the same old way thinking that the end is not nigh! Well it was in December 2008 that the Son of God said ‘The end is nigh’.

There has to be a place, a sanctuary for the twice-born and one does not become a twice-born due to baptism. There is a lot more to it then a sprinkling of water. How will the Christians and the Spiritual ever know the truth if they are not even willing to do what the LORD God asks of them? Most cannot even surrender their human will, let alone be prepared to live their life in total devotion to his will 24/7. People are not forced to do so. However, without the leadership from the twice-born, humanity is doomed.

So what are the Christians and the Spiritual waiting for? Americans have sent millions to a tribute fund for the families of children that has been proven to be a ‘false flag’ event to assist the American government with his control of guns. However, an ‘eye for an eye’ makes everyone blind, guns have done the same for the USA. Americans are clearly ‘blinded’ by that which they ‘fear’; their government. Its a great pity that they do not fear the arm of the LORD God more than they do their government; for if they did we might see a sea change. I don’t support the co-creation of ‘fear’ based realities. However, justice is a thin line to walk when the future of humanity is laid on the line of recovery or extinction!

The biblical prophecies tell the people that the USA government will be defeated when New Jerusalem is built. In other words when the Sons of Light, the twice-born are living in the new holy city, the Sons of Darkness will be beaten because all of their religious cities and belief systems then become defunct. END OF! New heaven and earth comes to be and the prophecies inform you that it will endure before the LORD God.

The only reason that Obama was given another term of office is that the Christians and Spiritual still do not get it!

So are you going to suffer another 1,000 days of Obama and the Sons of Darkness that he represents?

Or are you ready for the new heaven and earth?

For the spiritual that might read this in 2009, Jesus said that the spiritual were ‘off beam.’ In other words they were not in alignment with the divine plan, they weren’t then and they are still not in alignment because they think they can do it without fulfilling the will of the LORD God. Has such, hunger and disease increases every year due to them not honoring the twice-born of the LORD God.


Monday 3 December 2012


The LORD asked me to paint him a 'Sapphire' and Sapphires always remind me of Princess Diana, our Queen of Hearts. While I was painting I could smell beer again. I checked out Sapphire and Beer and there is a Sapphire Mountain Brewing Company, in Sapphire, North Carolina. In addition, there was a 'Duke of Edinburgh' post that mentions a corporate product design that was done by a ten year old child for ARKELL's Brewery in the UK.

The only place that the Sapphire is mentioned in the bible is to do with New Jerusalem. It mentions a JASPER and then the SAPPHIRE, Rev 21:19 Has we know Jasper Conran provided designs for Princess Diana.


The Dead Sea Scrolls mention the Angelic Architects and they have arrived. They build ecological and self-sustainable homes. However, it is clear to me that the LORD God is calling for JASPER to do the interior design of the buildings for his new holy city.

Would Jasper be willing to accept the will of the LORD God and align his will. What greater honor could any designer be bestowed? To be involved in a project that would last thousands of years. A project that is sacred, holy and true. A designers dream, simplicity and creativity that is beautiful, functional and purposeful.

A designers city, to inspire and encourage generations of children to develop their art and natural talents.

Jasper you have been called and chosen for a very important project.

I can be contacted on tnk at


Saturday 22 September 2012


I received an email today from the USA quoting 'Ecclesiastes 1.9' that states there is 'no new thing under the sun.' That was correct in the timeline in which it was written. However, this is a new timeline and a new era in a new age. The Age of Aquarius.

The one known has Jesus also gave prophecies about the 'the last days of the end times' and he spoke of the new age that was to come. In addition the OT prophecies also confirmed that the LORD God would make everything anew. The evidence can be found in Isaiah 65:17 and Isaiah 66:22.

'See, I will create new heavens and a new earth. The former things will not be remembered, nor will they come to mind'. Isaiah 65:17. Jesus was also aware of that fact and that is why he told his followers that his words would not pass away after everything had been made anew.

In addition: Isaiah 66 relates to the woman that would be sent to help humanity, she is also mentioned by Prophet Hosea and Prophet Micah in this context of the last days of the end times. Isaiah spoke of her in terms of Jerusalem and has a mother. The mother that also appears in Rev 12. In Micah 4 she is also referred to as Daughter Jerusalem in addition to Daughter Zion.

The prophecies also tell you that the LORD God loves ZION more than he loves Israel? Why is that? The prophets tell you that this one was born in ZION, and ZION is a celestial reality. It is referring to being born again a holy spirit and from whence it came. A celestial reality!

The prophecy predicts that peace would be extended to her like a river, (indeed it was) and the wealth of nations like a flooding stream. 'You will feed and be carried on her arm and dandled on her knees. As a mother comforts her child, so will I comfort you and you will be comforted over Jerusalem'.

The prophecy predicts that the 'hand of the Lord' will be shown to his servants but his fury will be shown to his foes'. No coincidence than that photographs of my hand were posted on this blogspot after the LORD told the people that who I am is written in the flesh of my hand.

That was prior to my conscious awareness being shown that there was biblical prophecy about the LORD revealing me and his hand of righteousness, and how he would choose do it.

The prophecy also mentions the 'flames of fire', and Joseph is the flame in the prophecy of Prophet Obadiah. No surprise then that 5 million trees burned down on mount carmel in 2010 after the sign of Jonah arrived in the spring of that year.  In the book of Hebrews it also mentions the lands that create 'thorns and thistles will burn.'

You can understand that in terms of communication and that which leads to the actions that we are currently viewing around the world. During the Rev 12 timeline, I was divinely informed that I was a 'Rose amongst thorns'. The thorns were symbolic of those that were standing against me at that point in time. The rose blossomed into the fullness of God's perfect creation. She then became his Lotus flower.

Isaiah 66 also mentions the judgement, and has we know that began in 2010 after the sign of Jonah arrived in Israel. It also mentions those that will look at dead bodies due to them rebelling against me.

The chapter speaks of New Jerusalem and begins by asking 'Where is the house that you will build for me?'. In the biblical prophecies Joseph also receives a double portion of the land. The LORD has given his divine plans for New Jerusalem, he has given the colors, shape and design for it. He has chosen his sacred mountain and the Angelic architects that are mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls.

Is it so hard for humanity to accept that the LORD sent a mother in this timeline to help those that honor him? Is it any surprise that she was birthed on to the planet right after the last world war? Is it a coincidence?

Revelation 21:1 also mentions the new heaven and new earth that is coming to be in this timeline. No coincidence then that scientists are now proving what I have been saying for decades. Yesterday, we sent out an email regarding the fact that chemicals impact on future generations; even if those children have had no contact with those chemicals. That includes the drugs that you take folks! Ponder upon it.

That is also supported by biblical facts; in Exodus it mentions the fact that the deeds of the parents impact on the children for the next 3-4 generations. All life is interdependent just like the food chain, and no man or woman is an Island. Although Prophet Isaiah did predict that I would be born on an Island, and would come with the children. Jesus also predicted that the Queen of the South would come with the people to judge humanity for what it has done.

No person can escape the spiritual law of creation that is part of their being. However, Prophet Isaiah predicted that after New Jerusalem is built people will once again live for 120 years; like the Essenes once did.

The prophecies tell us that that the place that the LORD has chosen for his new holy city is being cleared out of 'wild beasts'. Isaiah also gave clues of its whereabouts. It included a place of many rivers and streams, and he described the smooth skinned people that live there. We have produced two videos on New Jerusalem, the first part is called New Jerusalem, the second video is called 'City of Enlightenment' because that is how Prophet Isaiah also referred to it.

Rev 14 is also about New Jerusalem and we have another blog dedicated to the subject matter, so I will post this there as well. The foundation of love has been laid down where the new holy city is to be; to honor the LORD God and the new heavens and new earth that will endure before him.

He instructed me to show you the right hand photographically. However, we are still to show you the left hand where the scar remains from the rusty nail and the dog bite. Does the rusty nail also have significance being in the left hand that relates to past lives? That is up to you to decide.

Today the vein and nerves that lead to that scar in my left hand are giving me a message to look at it.

Why would the LORD ensure that I have a nail scar in the flesh of the left hand if he did not have a purpose for it? More evidence to prove to the people who I am. It is has bizarre to me has it is to you, has a person wrote to me the other day 'It is unbelievable'.

However, the LORD God said 'Who you are is unquestionable'. He has said in the past that 'Who you are is indefinable'. In other words nobody can put me in a box or typecast me, because every time they think they know me, HE pulls their rug from under their feet, and I do mean metaphorically. That is the way that the LORD planned it for the righteous soul that he would send to comfort them.

His instrument, his Harp of Faithfulness and teacher of righteousness that has been helping the children with this timeline; of the greatest transition in human history. The biblical prophecies predict what is happening now, has never happened before, and it will never happen again. So make the most of it folks while I am still on this planet to help you all.

The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails – given by one shepherd. Ecclesiastes 12: 11, now who was divinely instructed to publish a book of collected divine sayings called 'Sacred Words'? Yours truly. Another prophecy fulfilled.

Has such, the scar in the left hand is another method of identification of 'the one' that Jesus also predicted would come to give divine testimony for him in this timeline.

Was I nailed to the cross metaphorically when that real nail went into my hand in my 20's?

Is that why I suffered for the iniquities of men? Is that why I had to become victorious over cancerous cells and other disease? In my reality everything in life has a reason for being,  and I have experienced many heavens and hell while living on earth.

So have many others; and I applaud them for all of the effort that they have put in to overcome their disabilities and break the never ending cycles that humanity experience. We will do it, and the divine help is here for those that truly wish to put the effort into changing their realities.

The holy ones are indeed here, the family of healers that followed the elohim home are here; and they do have the keys to life; for the purpose of helping humanity in this timeline. The spiritual family of healers along with the children, do come first, because they are extremely important to the rest of humanity, and will always be so. If humanity continue to refuse to honor the holy ones sent by the LORD God, then humanity will face the consequences of its rebellion against them. As the LORD said 'It is not a one way street'.

Today, after I woke up, while in the bathroom, I noticed that a blood vessel on my face has exploded during the night, another nerve ending. Now I have to look at the message that it brings. Do I have the courage to tell you the truth? Yes, indeed I do. The LORD God and his Son gave me the courage to be who I am, and nobody can take that courage from me, although the police did try to put me asunder. They will suffer the consequences for doing their utmost to crush and break the divine will and courage that was bestowed to me divinely.

Mercy and its compassionate action exists; and there is nothing that they can do about it. Divine love in manifestation on the earth plane is here.

Lavender and geranium is recommended for the people to help them to assimilate these facts. 

Love beyond measure


Monday 7 May 2012


I asked the heavenly Father about New Jerusalem and he replied 'They are blind and cannot see, they are dumb and cannot sing, they are deaf and cannot hear. The rain will continue to come down upon them until they get the message and understand'.

In Deuteronomy 28 it mentions the rains in terms of those that disobey the instructions delivered. It states that the 'The LORD will turn the rain of your country into dust and powder; it will come down from the skies until you are destroyed. The LORD will cause you to be defeated by your enemies. You will come at them from one direction but flee from them in seven, and you will become a thing of horror to all the kingdoms on earth.

Your carcasses will be food for all the birds, and the wild animals, and there will be no one to frighten them away. The LORD will afflict you with the boils of Egypt and with tumors, festering sores and the itch, from which you cannot be cured. The LORD will afflict with madness, blindness and confusion of mind. At midday you will grope about like a blind person in the dark. You will be unsuccessful in everything that you do; day after day you will be oppressed and robbed, with no one to rescue you'.

Jesus Christ also mentioned the 'Carcasses' and the 'vultures' as a sign for the last days of the end times when the 'Son of Man' is here. The 'Son of Man' is a term of endearment for a prophet. Deuteronomy chapter 18 advised that 'The LORD your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your fellow Israelites. You must list to him'. Was Jesus that prophet? No. Why? Jesus did not have the name mentioned in that text, nor was he from the tribe of Joseph that Moses requested that the blessing of prophethood be given.

Interesting that Botticelli also painted the prophet as a woman with a child. This picture that sits in the Sistine chapel is called 'The Trial of Moses'. It was created in 1481-2.

As we know the USA is indeed being robbed, so are people in the UK and the rest of Europe. There are also many people with tumors, people afflicted with madness, blindness and confusion of mind. Exactly as the prophecy predicted. The people are certainly being oppressed as well. Prophet Malachi also warned the people about what would happen in this timeline if the people did not turn their hearts to the children, if the people robbed elohiym, then the nations would be destroyed.

On the first of May this video was uploaded. White powder packages were sent to Wells Fargo Bank branches in NYC.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>



Thursday 26 April 2012

Least of you will become a thousand

Following on from a previous post on the ELIAKIM blog.

"That is the only mention of the 'Hidden Path' in the whole bible. However, Jesus Christ also spoke of it in terms of the eye of the needle and I have informed people in the past, there is no room to take anything with you. It requires complete detachment from earthly realities, when you get to the other side you're then given back what is required for the next divine mission.

"Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. Small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it."

Its no coincidence that verse is Matthew 7:13-14 As seven is related to forgiveness in the NT, the life number of the spiritual teacher, the Hebrew gematria value of the ZAYIN. 13 also relates to 'Love' and 'The One', in Rev 13, she is wisdom that was called to do the count on the man.

Small gate, narrow road, few find it. Solomon also spoke about the small and the feminine. The book of Genesis mentions a small town. Zechariah 4:10, "Who dares despise the day of small things, since the seven eyes of the LORD that range throughout the earth will rejoice when they see the chosen capstone in the hand of Zerubbabel?” That was a funny time, when I met an orthodox American Christian that went by the name of Zerubbabel in the public domain. The discussion we had will surely still be on the internet. If I remember correctly, it took place in 2008 on one of my threads in front of witnesses."

There are various points to add to the above. First there was always more than one meaning to what Christ said. As we know he taught forgiveness and Prophet Isaiah predicted that in New Jerusalem, the City of Enlightenment, all would be forgiven for what they had done. He also spoke about how those that live there will live long life, for 120 years again. Just like the Essenes lived long life due to healthy spiritual living. Ecologically and self-sustainably.


The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I AM the LORD and in its time I will do it swiftly. Isaiah 60:22.

In some translations it is written, 'the least one shall become a clan'. Does that relate to the tribe of Joseph that the bible tells you will be saved?

Another translation, 'A little one will become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation'.

Zechariah 12:8 also speaks of them. 'a small one a strong nation; a company of weak persons, persecuted by their enemies, and unable to resist them, as in the present state: now there will be a nation of them strong and mighty; the feeble among them shall be as David, and the house of David as elohiym, as the Angel of the Lord'.

In the NIV translation, it states the LORD will shield those that live in (new) Jerusalem. The angel of the LORD goes before them.

The word Zerubbabel is also relevant because it relates to an exile from Babylon. In the book of Revelation, the USA is Babylon. In the prophecies about the LORD's plan for the last days of the end times. Micah 4 also mentions the mountain. As I have said previously, New Jerusalem will not be in Israel or the USA. I have been given the name of the location and where it is to come to be.

In some translations of Zechariah 12:4 it does not mention the capstone, instead the word 'plumb line' is in its place. The plumb line is to do with the measure, and as we know it relates to a water line. Also in Isaiah 28, Prophet Isaiah states that the LORD will make justice the measuring line, and righteousness the plumb line. It also tells the people that the hail and water will come. In Isaiah 34 that is about the judgement of the nations, it tells them that the USA will be in chaos and desolation. The men of EDOM live in the land of ESAU that is the USA. As we know Obama is doing his utmost to co--create that desolation and chaos. Research also showed that 84% of Americans are in emotional chaos.

The plumb line of righteousness, also relates to prophecy of Hosea, when he predicted that the LORD God would betroth his people to him by righteousness and faithfulness. How he would plant her in Jezreel. That happened in May 2006. It was another sign of the last days of the end times and that the Messenger of the Covenant was here. King David also gave the prophecy that the Harp of Faithfulness would come at night time.



Friday 20 April 2012

400 Men from America

The book of Genesis tells you that after the messengers went to Esau, 400 men returned with them. That is the number that I have been given for the building of New Jerusalem. 800 altogether and 400 will be locals. The men are to work together, and those that do the will of God, will be given their plot of land, they will build together. The Angelic architects are here exactly as the Dead Sea Scrolls predicted, and I have been given the name of the city of the location five times. 2012 is also a five year. 

I was told there will be up to 850 houses altogether in the new holy city. 400 locals will build with their families and the indigenous peoples that constitute the 400 will live in the holy city on the medicine mountain as pre-ordained. Some may be farmers, they may be builders, teachers, doctors, paramedics, ecologists, scientists, or healers, each bring their skills and talents to the new holy city of enlightenment. 

From the 400 from the land of ESAU, USA, can also include people that are from the indigenous peoples. Hispanics, American Indians etc. The biblical prophecies predict that a new strong nation will come to be. 

As we know 40 is a number that relates to Moses, so these people will be people who honor the will of God and the promise that the LORD God made to his people. They honor the Messenger of the Covenant that was sent to help the indigenous peoples and their children. To ensure that the children receive their spiritual inheritance as was pre-ordained. 


Tuesday 17 April 2012

Location New City of Jerusalem

On the 17th of April, 2012, the LORD God said the name of the location again. I just checked the news on what is going on and they require help with an awareness campaign. I took action and responded to it by contacting a government agency there to discuss the plans for New Jerusalem. The new holy city of Enlightenment.

The 17th of April, is the 'Day of Purpose'.

May the will of God be done.